Some of you may remember @ironchefjoshua from our contest earlier this year…well, he opted for us to make him a custom knife as his prize and this is the result. We worked with him on what he wanted which was, in a nutshell, a really big f*cking knife for BBQ. He also asked us to work with a joker type theme on the handle. He gave us the freedom to do what we wanted with the design and this is what we came up with: a 10.5 inch hybrid cleaver with a full convex grind, AEB-L stainless steel and african blackwood on the handle with a purple and toxic green acrylic resin at the base. We are hoping he likes it as this will be the first time he has seen it. Here she is @ironchefjoshua! #noraknives #nora2016 #knowthyknife