So how do you make salad cool?
We honestly still have no idea but that was the task for this knife. We were given the guidelines of making something with a “salad theme” and the rest was up to us. Umm, ok!
Any time theme knives come into play, we lean hard on our engraver. For us, imagery definitely helps solidify the more abstract concepts on a handle design.
And so…we went all over the place with ideas. We had bok choi bombs, nuclear broccoli explosion clouds, 50 shades of “green” (don’t ask), there were vegetables with butchering cut diagrams (i.e. artichoke “heart”, etc.) and last, but certainly not least, was the inspired idea of having vegetable headed beatles walking across abbey road.
In the end, we created and engraved the above graphic. The word “grow” can be found between the stems of the asparagus and we thought it was a good metaphor for, well, a lot of things.
I don’t know if we nailed it or not or if it even relates to salad all that well. (Sigh.) But somehow we like it. It’s a wee bit odd…it’s wordy…it’s us. Happy to have this one done.