Pics show a few of the past knives from our last batch, which was a small tribute to women.
It’s no secret that we love using themes or ideas to help guide our designs because they keep things fun over here and give us direction.
In that spirit, we need your help choosing an idea for a future batch of knives (or maybe just one, depending on how creative we get.)
Below are 15 options that multiple people have written to us asking for. Comment below on what you would be most interested in seeing and we will make whatever seems to gain the most traction. (Write-ins are welcome as well.)
What would you like us to make??
Knives with…
1.) A Cajun/Southern/New Orleans type theme
2.) Cleavers, any kind
3.) Crow(s) and, more generally, birds of all types
4.) Game of Thrones tribute
5.) Steak knives
6.) Camo/military style
7.) Beer & wine themed engravings
8.) Sea Turtles
9.) More cimeter style knives
10.) Anything pink
11.) Cannabis themed
12.) Wolves
13.) Pop Art
14.) Whales
15.) Stop with the silly-ass engravings (Hey, we get it. You don’t like the engravings. We get these emails too.)