Check this out! Pretty cool to be featured…
@Regrann from @brokenbanjotrav - The third of our 2017 Calendar images, featuring kitchen knives from small forges around the USA! This cool one from @noraknives in #California. Shot with the local #salmon headed upstream to spawn.…………………………………….Interested in a copy of the calendar? They’ll be shipping in December, and a signup sheet will be up soon! Leave a note here…………………………………..………………………………..#forge #knifeportrait #toolportrait #culinary #redonion #spawninggrounds #OregonCoast #Oregon @TillamookCoast #StillLife #chefknife #handmade #handforged #madeintheusa #Americanmade #knifemaker #fish #swimfaster………………………………..#BrokenBanjo #Photography - #regrann