Cause everyone knows that pink polka dots are savage AF… This is a lean, mean compact kiritsuke made with CPM M4 carbon steel. Handle is a new, exploratory design for us. We used a quilted maple block and added holes which we then filled with a pink acrylic resin.
The engraving on this is inspired by a woman I (Dani) saw in 7 Eleven 2 weeks ago. Fiesty gal with a sort of Mad Max meets Moana kind of look. There were spikes, tattoos, cheek piercings…and pink converse. She had a shirt with this saying on it and you know what, I fucking believed it. So we made a knife inspired by her. Its up on the site and available for purchase. (Unless I give it to my mom) #noraknives #knowthyknife #savageAF #kiritsuke