AUCTION!! Bid here below.
Auction closes tomorrow (06.06) at noon Pacific Standard Time.
52100 carbon steel nakiri with a multi material handle. (Kirinite, pink G10, white urethane resin)We were channeling a Miami Vice vibe when we made this one. Why?…well because 1.) we are slightly schizophrenic over here and 2.) we happened to pass upon a random reference to Miami Vice and 3.) We had leftover pink G10. Its more about the challenge than anything else as we get bored fast. Anyways…we hope one of you out there likes it. No minimums on this one. Pay Pal invoice is required to be paid within 2 hours of auction close or we will move on to the next highest bidder. Free US shipping, $25 for most international shipping. Thanks, as always, for the support! #NORAKnives #knowthyknife #nakiri #miamivice