NORA knives BLOG

I wanted to show how I work the bevel profile on our chef knives....

I wanted to show how I work the bevel profile on our chef knives. A lot of people don’t understand the full process so if your interested, read on… From left to right… First picture is straight from heat treat at a 61 HRC. Second is breaking the edge with an old belt and getting the edge to about half the thickness of the original stock. Third is doing a sweep-style flat grind down to about .020 in. thick, I keep the handle area untouched to make sure the scales glue up nice, plus it make the heel of the blade a little stronger. Fourth is where I add some of the performance part to the grind by doing a second bevel about .75 in up from the edge, the edge gets to about .005 inches thick. Fifth is changing the direction of my grind to get everything stright and true. This step also is where I adjust the taper on the blade. All of this is done at 60 grit running the grinder full speed.
From here I go to a rotary platen with a 120 grit, 220 grit, then through 2 levels of scotch brite belts to finish. By the time I’m done with the 220 grit my edge is at a zero and can cut very easily. I have to finish with the scotch brite belts with my cutting edge pointed down to prevent cutting the belt and having it hit me in the head… Ask me how I know that happens…
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